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Upcoming crypto events calendar

Follow the world of blockchain with our cryptocalendar. Here are all the main events related to crypto. Updates daily.

Upcoming crypto events calendar222


Date Event name Location
2025, Wed
DavosWeb3 Switzerland, Davos
2025, Mon
Digital Assets Forum UK, London
12 - 13
2025, Wed - Thu
World Web3 Expo Dubai
18 - 20
2025, Tue - Thu
Consensus Hong Kong Hong Kong
23 - 25
2025, Sun - Tue
08 - 10
2025, Tue - Thu
Paris Blockchain Week 2025 France, Paris
23 - 25
2025, Wed - Fri
Blockchain Forum Russia, Moscow
19 - 21
2025, Thu - Sat
BTC Prague Czechia, Prague
Blockchain Oracle Summit

Blockchain Oracle Summit

21 -22
2023, Fri-Sat

When oracles fail, hundreds of millions can be lost. Yet, the space has no agreed-upon set of best practices, standards or even nomenclature.

The goal of the Blockchain Oracle Summit is to bring builders, users and investors together, to accelerate growth in the oracle space.

While scaling oracles to meet growing demand for off-chain data, careful attention needs to be paid to maintaining costs, decentralization, trust and more. Immutable blockchains need to be complemented by the most robust oracle networks.

With a highly technical, focused agenda featuring speakers from most leading oracle networks and their end users, BOS23 features all the latest developments in moving data on-chain.

Our free pass program means that students and independent developers have a rare opportunity to learn from and collaborate with leaders in the blockchain space.

The Blockchain Oracle Summit is organised by Party Action People Pte. Ltd., a Singaporean event agency that focuses on events in the blockchain space. Do you think a specific speaker, sponsor or attendee could be a key stakeholder in your future work? Let us know, we promise to do our utmost to get you in a room with them.

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